
沖縄から自由気ままな海との暮らしを発信‼︎ おしゃれもしたいしエコもしたい。 「エシカルライフをお洒落に楽しく自由きままに」をコンセプトに環境配慮を意識した作品を展開されていらっしゃるjiyukimama様から、素敵な新作品が入荷いたしました。 ⭐︎イヤリング(ブーゲンビリア)⭐︎
Providing a free and carefree life by the sea from Okinawa! ︎ I want to be both fashionable and eco-friendly. A wonderful new product has arrived from jiyukimama, a company that creates environmentally friendly products based on the concept of "living stylishly, happily, freely, and ethically." ⭐︎Earrings (bougainvillea)⭐︎
Providing a free and carefree life by the sea from Okinawa! ︎ I want to be both fashionable and eco-friendly. A wonderful new product has arrived from jiyukimama, a company that creates environmentally friendly products based on the concept of "living stylishly, happily, freely, and ethically." ⭐︎Earrings (bougainvillea)⭐︎