
※石敢當(いしがんとう): 丁字路の突き当り等に設けられる「石敢當」などの文字が刻まれた魔よけの石碑や石標。
A limited quantity of shisa figurines have arrived from Ryukyu Otayaki.
In addition to Shisa, we also have a wide variety of other types.
(Height 5cm ~ 10cm x Width 5cm ~ 8.5cm x Depth 5cm ~ 5cm)
*Ishiganto (Ishiganto): A stone monument or stone marker carved with characters such as "Ishiganto" placed at the end of a road to ward off evil spirits.
※石敢當(いしがんとう): 丁字路の突き当り等に設けられる「石敢當」などの文字が刻まれた魔よけの石碑や石標。
A limited quantity of shisa figurines have arrived from Ryukyu Otayaki.
In addition to Shisa, we also have a wide variety of other types.
(Height 5cm ~ 10cm x Width 5cm ~ 8.5cm x Depth 5cm ~ 5cm)
*Ishiganto (Ishiganto): A stone monument or stone marker carved with characters such as "Ishiganto" placed at the end of a road to ward off evil spirits.