【石垣島スパイス 熟成島とうがらし】入荷いたしました。

ケレス沖縄(石垣島)様から、「麹の力で熟成した島唐辛子が、辛さと旨味の“虜”にする。」【石垣島スパイス 熟成島とうがらし】各種(唐辛子スコソース/コーレグース/粗挽き一味/ペースト)入荷いたしました。
Manufactured by Ceres Okinawa (Ishigaki Island), island chili peppers aged with the power of koji will captivate you with their spiciness and flavor. [Ishigaki Island Spice Aged Chili Peppers] Various types (Chili Suko Sauce/Koregusu/Coarsely Ground Chili Peppers/Paste) are now in stock.
Manufactured by Ceres Okinawa (Ishigaki Island), island chili peppers aged with the power of koji will captivate you with their spiciness and flavor. [Ishigaki Island Spice Aged Chili Peppers] Various types (Chili Suko Sauce/Koregusu/Coarsely Ground Chili Peppers/Paste) are now in stock.