伝統織物首里織 御朱印帳が入荷いたしました。

那覇市伝統織物事業協同組合様より、令和3年度那覇市長賞最優秀賞受賞 伝統織物首里織 御朱印帳(縦16cm×横11cm)が入荷いたしました。
The traditional textile Shuriori Goshuincho (height 16cm x width 11cm), which won the 2021 Naha Mayor's Award for Excellence, has arrived from the Naha City Traditional Textile Business Cooperative.
It can be used not only for Goshuin-cho, but also as a gift name book, commemorative record book, travel companion book, etc.
The traditional textile Shuriori Goshuincho (height 16cm x width 11cm), which won the 2021 Naha Mayor's Award for Excellence, has arrived from the Naha City Traditional Textile Business Cooperative.
It can be used not only for Goshuin-cho, but also as a gift name book, commemorative record book, travel companion book, etc.